Smart Bin

The idea of this speculative design project is to help users manage and track their waste (trash) disposal.

Often times people walk to their trash and discovered it is full or about to be and there is little or no space to drop the trash they are about to dispose of. This sometimes ends in a situation where they are dropped on the floor. Furthermore, some users have the challenge of identifying how to dispose of certain types of trash that they have in their possession. 


Design + Execution





Below is the video to demonstrate how the application works and how it will be beneficial to our everyday life. 


Since the advent of QR codes designers have looked for approach to infuse that into their product design. This technology as be used in payment services and also in Shanghai scan codes have been put on trash bags to check for the source of each trash and content. 

Hence this led to the development of the Smart Bin a mobile application that notifies users of the level of their trash and educates them about methods of disposing of waste as well as nearby locations of recycling centers

Tools Used
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • Adobe XD
  • Adobe After Effect
  • Sketch
Demo Video

A mock up video was created to illustrate how the mobile application will function on device 

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